Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Leuven: opvolgmeting 2023-2024 Verhaeghe, P-P. & Dincer, B. E., 6 Jun 2024, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, BRISPO. 18 p.
Editorial: Explaining and Comparing Ethnic and Racial Discrimination Verhaeghe, P-P., Fernández Reino, M. & Di Stasio, V., Jun 2024, In: Frontiers in Sociology. 9, p. 1-3 3 p.
Policy Proposals for Regulating the Short-Term Rental Market: Towards a Balanced Housing Market in Brussels Te Braak, P. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Jan 2024, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, BRISPO. 24 p.
“We choose this CV because we choose diversity”: What do eye movements say about the choices recruiters make? Osanami Törngren, S., Schütze, C., Van Belle, E. & Nyström, M., 7 Mar 2024, In: Frontiers in Sociology. 9, 18 p., 9:1222850.
Different names, different discrimination? How perceptions of names can explain rental discrimination Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2 Mar 2023, In: Frontiers in Sociology. 8, p. 1-15 15 p., 1125384.
Equality for all? Support for Equal Opportunity Among Professors in Europe Bourabain, D. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Jan 2023, In: Sociology Compass. 17, 1, 20 p., e13039.
Ethnic discrimination on paper: uncovering realtors’ willingness to discriminate with mystery mails Ghekiere, A., Lippens, L., Baert, S. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2023, In: Applied Economics Letters. 30, 9, p. 1235-1238 4 p.
Ethnic discrimination on the shared short-term rental market of Airbnb: evidence from a correspondence study in Belgium Verhaeghe, P-P., Martiniello, B. A. M., Endrich, M. & Van Landschoot, L., Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Hospitality Management. 109, 9 p., 103423.
Ethnic prejudices and public support for anti-discrimination policies on the housing market Verhaeghe, P-P., Martiniello, B. A. M. & Bourabain, D., Apr 2023, In: Ethnicities. 23, 2, p. 258-283 26 p.
Identifying Rental Discrimination on the Flemish Housing Market: An Intersectional Approach Ghekiere, A., Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2023, In: Ethnic and Racial Studies. 46, 12, p. 2654-2676 23 p.
In the Name of the Neighbor: The Associations between Racial Attitudes, Intergroup Contacts, Ethnic Diversity, and the Perception of Names in the Dutch Speaking Part of Belgium. Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Feb 2023, In: Society. 60, 1, p. 78-92 15 p.
Reducing Ethnic Discrimination in Rental Applications: The Development of a Training Intervention Ghekiere, A., D'Hondt, F., Derous, E., Schelfhout, S. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Housing Studies.
SEAD Working Paper 2023.1: Describing the socio-demographic, professional and economic profile of platform workers based on administrative platform data: Work Package 4: Sustainable work in new employment phenomena Gaublomme, S., Gevaert, J. & Kruithof, E. H., 3 Mar 2023, 15 p.
Searching for migration: estimating Japanese migration to Europe with Google Trends data Leysen, B. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2023, In: Quality & Quantity. 57, 5, p. 4603–4631 29 p.
The academic intimidation and harassment of scientists at Flemish universities in Belgium Verhaeghe, P-P., 2023, VUB. 38 p.
Understanding ethnic hiring discrimination: A contextual analysis of experimental evidence Lippens, L., Dalle, A., D'hondt, F., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Baert, S., Dec 2023, In: Labour Economics. 85, p. 1-19 19 p., 102453.
Wetenschappelijke methodiek correspondentietesten en nulmeting discriminatie bij de Vlaamse overheid. Leysen, B. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Jul 2023, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 161 p.
Addressing methodological assumptions of correspondence tests when measuring discrimination Ghekiere, A., Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 20 Nov 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.
Correspondence studies Verhaeghe, P-P., 31 Jan 2022, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Zimmerman, K. (ed.). Springer, Cham, p. 1-19 19 p.
De ontwikkeling van Airbnb in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest voor en tijdens de Covid-19 pandemie Verhaeghe, P-P. & Endrich, M., 2022, In: Ruimte en Maatschappij: Vlaams-Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Ruimtelijke Vraagstukken. 13, 4, p. 9-32 23 p.
Discriminatie door makelaars op de huurwoningmarkt van Antwerpen: de sensibiliserende meting. Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2022, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 15 p.
Discriminatie op basis van etnische afkomst en seksuele oriëntatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Kortrijk. Ghekiere, A., Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2022, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 17 p.
Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Brugge. Martiniello, B. A. M., Ghekiere, A. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2022, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 17 p.
Does the neighbourhood of the dwelling and the real estate agency matter? Geographical differences in ethnic discrimination on the rental housing market. Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Nov 2022, In: Urban Studies. 59, 15, p. 3201-3221 20 p.
How does ethnic discrimination on the housing market differ across neighborhoods and real estate agencies? Ghekiere, A. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Mar 2022, In: Journal of Housing Economics. 55, 55, p. 101820-101831 11 p., 101820.
Introducing a vignette experiment to study mechanisms of ethnic discrimination on the housing market Ghekiere, A., Verhaeghe, P-P., Baert, S., Derous, E. & Schelfhout, S., Oct 2022, In: PLoS ONE. 17, 10, p. 1-20 20 p., e0276698.
Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence Lippens, L., Baert, S., Ghekiere, A., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Derous, E., 5 Oct 2022, In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 48, 17, p. 4243-4276 34 p.
Weatherburn, A., Kruithof, E. H. & Vanroelen, C., 4 Apr 2022, 51 p.
Methodiek voor correspondentietesten bij lokale besturen als werkgever Leysen, B. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2022, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 55 p.
Rental discrimination, perceived threat and public attitudes towards immigration and refugees Verhaeghe, P-P. & De Coninck, D., 2022, In: Ethnic and Racial Studies. 45, 7, p. 1371-1393 12 p.
Shiny on the Outside, Rotten on the Inside? Perceptions of Female Early Career Researchers on Diversity Policies in Higher Education Institutions Bourabain, D. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Jun 2022, In: Higher Education Policy. 35, 2, p. 542-560 19 p.
Signaling ethnic-national origin through names? The perception of names from an intersectional perspective Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2 Aug 2022, In: PLOS ONE. 17, 8, p. 1-20 20 p., e0270990.
The spatial distribution of Airbnb providers in Brussels: different drivers for different types of hosts? Endrich, M., Verhaeghe, P-P., Costa, R., Imeraj, L. & Gadeyne, S., 29 Jul 2022, In: Consumer Behavior In Tourism and Hospitality. 17, 3, p. 297-311 15 p.
Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Leuven Martiniello, B. A. M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 26 Mar 2021, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 28 p.
Discrimination tests: A potential stepping stone for human rights? Verhaeghe, P-P., 2021, Migration, Equality and Racism. 44 opinions. ASP / VUBPRESS, p. 224-227
Everyday Racism in Social Science research: A Systematic Review and Future Directions Bourabain, D. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2021, In: Du Bois Review. 18, 2, p. 221-250 30 p.
Praktijktesten: springplank naar mensenrechten? Verhaeghe, P-P., 2021, Migratie, gelijkheid en racisme. 44 opinies. ASP / VUBPRESS, p. 239-242 4 p.
SODHA Brochure: What is SODHA and how to upload data? Kruithof, E. H. & Van Den Borre, L., 31 May 2021, 4 p.
The Conceptualization of Everyday Racism in Research on the Mental and Physical Health of Ethnic and Racial Groups: a Systematic Review Bourabain, D. & Verhaeghe, P-P., Jun 2021, In: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 8, 3, p. 648-660 13 p.
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on ethnic discrimination on the housing market Verhaeghe, P-P. & Ghekiere, A., 19 Feb 2021, In: European Societies. 23, 1, p. S384-S399 16 p.
Discriminatie, toegankelijkheid en betaalbaarheid op de huurwoningmarkt in Mechelen Verhaeghe, P-P., Verstraete, J., Vermeir, D. & De Decker, P., 2020, 78 p.
Discriminatie door makelaars op de huurwoningmarkt van Antwerpen: de nulmeting Verhaeghe, P-P., Martiniello, B. A. M. & Ghekiere, A., 2020, 56 p.
Eindrapport Centraal Expertencomité Discriminatie Verhaeghe, P-P., Van Hiel, A., Lamberts, M., Baert, S., Verstraete, J., Vermeir, D., Winters, S. & Sottiaux, S., 2020, 54 p.
Ethnic discrimination on the housing market of Wallonia: an explorative study. Verhaeghe, P-P., 2020, 14 p.
Ethnic discrimination upon request? Real estate agents' strategies for discriminatory questions of clients. Verstraete, J. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2020, In: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 35, 3, p. 703-721 19 p.
Etnische discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Kortrijk. Een exploratieve studie. Verhaeghe, P-P., 2020, 10 p.
Het terugdringen van arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie in de Vlaamse sectoren: academische visie en instrumenten. Baert, S., Lamberts, M. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 2020, 79 p.
How many correspondence tests are enough to detect discrimination among single agents? A longitudinal study on the Belgian real estate market Verhaeghe, P-P. & Van der Bracht, K., 2020, Global Labor Organization, 678.
Is de etnische discriminatie op de Gentse woningmarkt structureel gedaald? Verhaeghe, P-P. & Ghekiere, A., 2020, 26 p.
School of choice or schools’ choice? Intersectional correspondence testing on ethnic and class discrimination in the enrolment procedure to Flemish kindergarten Bourabain, D., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Stevens, P., 3 Aug 2020, In: Race Ethnicity and Education. 26, 2, p. 184-204 21 p.
Statistics for the Social Sciences. Exercises and Solutions Verhaeghe, P-P., 2020, Brussels: ASP / VUBPRESS. 128 p.
Could you help me, please? Intersectional field experiments on everyday discrimination in clothing stores Bourabain, D. & Verhaeghe, P-P., 18 Aug 2019, In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies. 45, 11, p. 2026-2044 19 p.
Ethnic Residential Segregation: A Family Matter? An Integration of Household Composition Characteristics into the Residential Segregation Literature Coenen, A., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Van de Putte, B., Dec 2019, In: European Journal of Population. 35, 5, p. 1023-1052 30 p.
Ethnic residential segregation: A matter of ethnic minority household characteristics? Coenen, A., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Van de Putte, B., Oct 2019, In: Population, Space and Place. 25, 7, p. 2244-2262 e2244.
Discriminatie van homoseksuele en lesbische koppels op de huurwoningmarkt in Gent Verhaeghe, P-P., 2018, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 16 p.
Etnische discriminatie op de private huurwoningmarkt in Antwerpen Verhaeghe, P-P., 2018, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 15 p.
Hoe gentrificatie te meten in België zonder de census? Bespreking van een case study in Gent tussen 2004 en 2009 Coenen, A., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Van de Putte, B., 2018, In: Ruimte & Maatschappij. 9, 2, p. 33-57 25 p.
Juridische praktijktesten naar discriminatie op de private huurwoningmarkt in Gent: de reactieve fase. Verhaeghe, P-P., 2018, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 17 p.
Mystery shopping bij makelaars in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Verhaeghe, P-P. & Mastari, L. N., Nov 2018, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 18 p.
Should I stay or should I go? The association between upward socio-economic neighbourhood change and moving propensities Coenen, A., Verhaeghe, P-P. & Van de Putte, B., Mar 2018, In: Environment and Planning A. 50, 2, p. 370-390 21 p.
Discrimibrux. Discriminatie door vastgoedmakelaars op de private huurwoningmarkt van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Verhaeghe, P-P., Coenen, A., Demart, S., Van der Bracht, K. & Van de Putte, B., 2017, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Vakgroep Sociologie, Interface Demography. 78 p.
Juridische praktijktesten naar discriminatie op de private huurwoningmarkt in Gent: de proactieve fase. Verhaeghe, P-P., 2017, 26 p.
Liever Sandra dan Samira? Over discriminatie, praktijktesten en mystery shopping Verhaeghe, P-P., 2017, EPO. 176 p.
Praktijktesten: van onderzoeksmethode naar beleidsinstrument tegen discriminatie? Verhaeghe, P-P., 2017, In: Sociologos. 38, 1, p. 182-200 19 p.
Discrimination of tenants with a visual impairment on the housing market: Empirical evidence from correspondence tests Verhaeghe, P-P., Van der Bracht, K. & Van de Putte, B., 2016, In: Disability and Health Journal. 9, 2, p. 234–238
Is Living in a High-Rise Building Bad for Your Self-Rated Health? Verhaeghe, P-P., Coenen, A. & Van de Putte, B., Oct 2016, In: Journal of Urban Health. 93, 5, p. 884-898