Jessie Gevaert
Dr. Jessie Gevaert is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), as well as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium). She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology in 2022. In 2024, she was an affiliate and visiting researcher at the Occupational Medicine Unit of the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden).
Dr. Gevaert specializes in the Sociology of Work and Employment. Her research focuses on the job quality and health of self-employed individuals, with a particular interest in within-group variation and heterogeneity within entrepreneurship. She has also participated in both national and international research projects on non-standard work, digitalization, and the platform economy. Since November 2024, Dr. Gevaert has become a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health.
Research keywords:
Entrepreneurship; Self-employment; Mental Well-being; OSH; Platform Work; Job Quality; Sociology of Work
Research projects:
EMPOWER – European platforM to PromOte Wellbeing and hEalth In the woRkplace (EU Horizon 2020)
Employment status and job quality (Eurobond)
Studie van de impact van de nieuwe arbeidsvormen op het welzijn op het werk (FOD WASO)
De platformeconomie als opstap naar duurzame werkgelegenheid: uitdagingen en voorwaarden (ESF)
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