Billie Martiniello
I obtained my bachelor and masters degree in Sociology at the VUB. In my last bachelor year, I spent a semester studying at the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. My motivation to study Sociology comes from the wish the understand discrimination better, in order to contribute to tackling it in a more efficient way. I am also, since November 2023, chair of the Imiscoe PhD Network Board. This board strives to create a more inclusive, equal and safe environment for young scholars. We do so by providing training sessions, panel talks, social events and more at different moments during the year.
Research projects:
Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Antwerpen
Les discriminations au logements à Namur
Discriminatie op de woningmarkt van Leuven
Discriminatie op de woningmarkt van Kortrijk
Discriminatie op de woningmarkt van Brugge
Discrimination in access to short rental stays: Airbnb
Research keywords:
discrimination; housing market; field experiments; anti-discrimination policy; social inequality
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Elsene