Increased risk of Covid-19 in precarious but essential work situations.
Commissioned by the ETUI, the research institute of the European Trade Union Confederation, Damini Purkayastha, Christophe Vanroelen and their colleagues at VUB’s Interface Demography research group examined the relationship between occupational health and the Covid-19 pandemic. Prof Christophe Vanroelen: “Without a doubt, the most important conclusion of the study is that there are large inequalities in the way workers are confronted with the Covid-19 crisis. The nature of the work plays an important role: in some occupations, physical contact is unavoidable, safety measures are more difficult to implement or teleworking is not feasible. But the nature of work also plays a very important role.”
08/04/2021 – Interface Demography

More rental discrimination of Moroccan-Belgians because of Covid-19.
The global Covid-19 pandemic is a dramatic event that took the world by storm. A recent study of Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe and Abel Ghekiere of Interface Demography of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel examined the impact of the first Covid wave on the occurrence of ethnic discrimination on the rental housing market. They compared discrimination levels before the outbreak of the pandemic in Belgium with levels just after the first lockdown.
15/10/2020 – Interface Demography – Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe and Abel Ghekiere

Epidemiologische evaluatie van de impact van Covid-19
Rapport neergelegd op 15 juli 2020 voor de Eerste Minister, Mevrouw Sophie Wilmès. Epidemiologische evaluatie van de impact van Covid-19 in België op datum van 15 juli 2020.
15/09/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere & Raphaël Lagasse

De Morgen: “Rapport rond oversterfte bewijst: we zijn niét het slechtste coronaland ter wereld”.
28/08/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere

Oversterfte in de Belgische woonzorgcentra UPDATE
03/06/2020 – Interface Demography – Johan Surkyn

Wat doet Covid-19 met de regionale sterftepatronen in België?
29/05/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere & Johan Surkyn

Regional spread of CoviD-19: a time-lapse video
20/05/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere, Johan Surkyn & Rafael Costa

Update oversterfte tijdens de Covid-19 epidemie in de Belgische arrondissementen
Periode 16 maart 2020 tot 3 mei 2020
19/05/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere, Johan Surkyn

Oversterfte tijdens de Covid-19 epidemie in de Belgische arrondissementen
Periode 10 maart 2020 tot 19 april 2020
07/05/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere

Oversterfte in België: een niet te miskennen indicator van de ernst van de crisis.
30/04/2020 – Interface Demography – Patrick Deboosere

A demographic scaling model for estimating the total number of COVID-19 infections
By Christina Bohk-Ewald, Christian Dudel, Mikko Myrskylä

The Contribution of Age Structure to the Number of Deaths from Covid-19 in the UK by Geographical Units By Hill Kulu and Peter Dorey of the University of St Andrews, Centre for Population Change and School of Geography and Sustainable Development.
Remote and rural communities could suffer 50 to 80 percent higher death rates because of their older population composition.

Demographic science aids in understanding the spread and fatality rates of COVID-19
By Jennifer Beam Dowd, Liliana Andriano, David M. Brazel, Valentina Rotondi, Xuejie Ding, Yan Liu, and Melinda C. Mills

Monitoring trends and differences in COVID-19 case fatality rates using decomposition methods: Contributions of age structure and age-specific fatality
By Christian Dudel, Tim Riffe, Enrique Acosta, Alyson A. van Raalte, Mikko Myrskyla.

The Strength of Family Ties and COVID-19
By Nicoletta Balbo, Francesco C. Billari, and Alessia Melegaro of the Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics (DONDENA), Bocconi University.
The role of intergenerational contacts in shaping the vulnerability of populations to the epidemic is researched using data from the SHARE and comparative surveys.

A Demographer’s View of the Coronavirus Pandemic
By C. Jessica Metcalf of Princeton University.