The second lecture of the 2024 edition of the BRISPO lecture series is a lecture by Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar (BRISPO, VUB, Belgium) 'Exploring the Necessity and Challenges of Migration Data'.

Ahmad Wali Ahmad Yar is a postdoctoral researcher at BRISPO at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). His research focuses on international migration, migrant integration, migration data, theoretical and data gaps in migration research, EU migration policies, and local-level migrant integration policies. Additionally, Ahmad Wali serves as the president of the Umbrella Refugee Committee in Belgium, representing nine community-based, refugee-led organisations in the country. Ahmad Wali is also the secretary-general of the Network of Afghan Diaspora Organisations in Europe (NADOE). Currently, he conducts research as part of the Horizon 2020 projects Enhanced Migration Measures from a Multidimensional Perspective (HumMingBird) and Measuring Irregular Migration (MIrreM), the SBO project From Camp to Campus, and meaningful refugee participation, in collaboration with a colleague from the London School of Economics (LSE).