The papers were developed as part of the PhD project of Julie Vanderleyden "The manifestation of non-standard employment arrangements in a comparative global perspective", supervised by Christophe Vanroelen and Deborah De Moortel.
The article "Cross-national relationships between employment quality and mental well-being: The role of organized labour strength" by Julie Vanderleyden, Karen Van Aerden and Christophe Vanroelen published in the "European Journal of Industrial Relations" explores how employment quality (EQ) and mental well-being are influenced by organized labour across Europe. The findings reveal that stronger collective bargaining reduces socioeconomic inequalities in EQ and mental well-being, highlighting the vital role of trade unions in improving workplace conditions and population health.
In the paper "Employment Quality: A Social Determinant of Health and Well-Being in a Changing Labor Market in Korea" published in "Social Indicators Research" Julie Vanderleyden, Hyojin Seo Christophe Vanroelen and Deborah De Moortel show how labour market flexibilization in Korea has brought new health challenges for employees. A typology of EQ identifies six employment types, showing that precarious arrangements are strongly associated with poor mental well-being and general health. The study underscores the need for workplace reforms to address these disparities.
The paper "Employment Quality and Self-Rated General Health in the United States: A 3-Year Observational Follow-Up Study" by Julie Vanderleyden, Trevor Peckham, Rebeka Balogh and Deborah De Moortel published in the "American Journal of Industrial Medicine" presents the results of a longitudinal U.S. study on how employment quality affects self-rated general health over time. Results show that transitions from stable employment to precarious arrangements increase health risks, while consistent low-quality employment compounds negative effects. Strengthening EQ is crucial to reducing health disparities in the U.S. workforce.
- Vanderleyden, J., Van Aerden, K., & Vanroelen, C. (2025). Cross-national relationships between employment quality and mental well-being: The role of organized labour strength. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801241306440
- Vanderleyden, J., Seo, H., Vanroelen, C. et al. Employment Quality: A Social Determinant of Health and Well-Being in a Changing Labor Market in Korea. Soc Indic Res (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-024-03464-y
- Vanderleyden, J., Peckham, T., Balogh, R., & De Moortel, D. (2024). Employment Quality and Self‐Rated General Health in the United States: A 3‐Year Observational Follow‐Up Study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23684