On 4 October, three BRISPO researchers were awarded FWO PhD fellowship allowing them to further prepare for and work on their PhD project. This year 3 out of 7 PhD mandates in social sciences awarded to VUB went to BRISPO!
Janna Dinneweth (Interface Demography Research Unit) will explore social disparities in mortality related to neurodegenerative diseases in her project "Forgotten Inequality: Social Disparities in Mortality Associated with Neurodegeneration, a Population-Based Study in Belgium". She will examine the role of socioeconomic factors and changes in registration practices, under the guidance of Prof. Sylvie Gadeyne.
Richard Carrere (Inequality and Racism Research Unit) will investigate joblessness through a social class perspective with his project, "From Blue Collar to No Collar? Understanding Joblessness as a Class Position across Europe". Supervised by Prof. Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, Richard will study how labour markets, welfare policies, and public attitudes shape the position of unemployed individuals in Europe.
Akim Aalou (Childhood, Culture and Cognition Research Unit) will focus on educational inequality in his project, "Different Childhoods, Unequal School Lives. The Social Pre-Production of Educational Inequality during the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School". Under the supervision of Prof. Dieter Vandebroeck, Akim will look at how early family socialization influences children's transition from kindergarten to primary school and contributes to educational inequality.
Congratulations to all successful candidates and their supervisors!