2011-2015 | Horizon 2020
Main objective: The SOPHIE project aims to generate new evidence on the impact and effectiveness of structural policies in tackling health inequalities and to develop innovative methodologies for the evaluation of these policies in Europe. Specific objectives include:
1. To generate new evidence on how structural policies - macro-economy, welfare state, employment relations, unemployment, built environment and housing policies - impact the determinants of health inequalities by gender, migration status and socio-economic position.
2. To generate evidence on how gender-oriented and immigration-related policies impact health inequalities, as well as the determinants of these inequalities.
3. To develop, refine and apply innovative methods for the identification and evaluation of how structural policies impact health inequalities at the European, national and local levels.
4. To develop, refine and apply innovative methodologies to increase the involvement of affected stakeholders (civil society, deprived social classes and ethnic minorities, women, immigrants) in the identification, design and evaluation of policies to reduce health inequalities.
5. To disseminate the findings and recommendations on how structural policies reduce health inequalities by implementing strong knowledge translation approaches to affected communities, stakeholders and responsible policymakers.
Website: www.sophie-project.eu