The 2024 edition of the BRISPO lecture series: Abram De Swaan (Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands), The Mentality of Mass Murder [the lecture will take place in the evening]

Professor Abram de Swaan (1959) is an emeritus University Professor of Social Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where he has been professa or of Sociology since 1973.
De Swaan’s first publication was Amerika in termijnen; een ademloos verslag uit de USA (America in Installments: A Breathless Report from the USA) in 1968. In 1973 he obtained his doctorate degree cum laude with 'Coalition theories and cabinet formations'.
From 1969 to 1991, he was editor of the general cultural monthly magazine De Gids. Together with Paul van den Bos, he made a series of television documentaries. In 1971 a television movie appeared and a book with the title Een boterham met tevredenheid; gesprekken met fabrieksarbeiders (And a Pat on the Back to Boot: Conversations with Factory Workers) was published.
De Swaan wrote short articles for the Dutch newspaper NRC/Handelsblad on a weekly basis, which have been published in three volumes. In 1991, a number of newly collected essays were published with the title Perron Nederland (Platform the Netherlands: Essays on Culture, High and Low, Far and Near). De mensenmaatschappij (Human Society: An Introduction) was published in 1996. In 2001, 'Words of the World: The Global Language System' was published, together with a special edition of De Gids: De woorden van de Swaan. ‘Dutch Welfare Reforms in an Expanding Europe: The Neighbours' View’ was published in 2004.
De Swaan has been director of the Academia Europea de Yuste, España since 2004.
Participation is free, but registration via this form is mandatory. Please register at least two days before the lecture. After processing your registration, we will send you the URL to participate in the online webinars or provide you with the venue details. The complete programme of the lecture series is available here.
Photo: Kimism