The thesis prize is awarded biennially by the Vereniging Voor Dmografie (VVD) and the Société Démographique Francophone de Belgique (SDFB) for a high-quality thesis within the domain of population studies.
Free entrance for members of the VVD and SDFB and invited guests; please confirm attendance via info@demografie.be
The VVD was founded in 1969 and is located at the VUB. The main aim of the VVD is to promote demographic research and knowledge in Flanders. Currently, its president is Patrick Deboosere from BRISPO.
The programme of the ceremony is available below.
13:34 Welcome
14:00 Verhulst Lecture: Demographic Developments and the Right to Housing
Pascal de Decker (UAntwerpen): An Analysis of Housing Policy in Flanders
Charlotte Casier & Hugo Périlleux (ULB-IGEAT): The Housing Crisis in Brussels and its Sociodemographic Effects
Michaela Kauer (Vienna House) : Housing for the Common Good - The Vienna Model of
Social and Affordable Housing
16:00 Presentations by nominees for the Pierre-François Verhulst Prize
Sara Bisi (KULeuven): Climate Change Concerns and Fertility Desires
Laudatio: Alice Rees (UCLouvain)
Julie Winters (KULeuven): Hindert Vroeg Moederschap de Positie op de Arbeidsmarkt?
Laudatio: Natacha Zimmer (UCLouvain)
Announcement of the laureate
17:00 Reception
Imgae: Tweedle, Belgium 2023 population pyramid, CC BY-SA 4.0