Leandros Kavadias
I studied Sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with a minor in Anthropology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. After my studies, I worked half-time at the ULB, on a project regarding the collection and sorting of data for the Crossroads Bank for Social Security. Afterwards, I started as a PhD fellow fundamental research at the VUB on a scholarship of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). My main fields of interest are comparative cultural sociology, comparative historical institutions, and sociology of education. Generally, I am interested in the interplay between culture, social structure and group behavior. Currently, I am conducting research on the measurement and mapping of the increased centrality of (mass) schooling (the Schooled Society Index) and the analysis of its societal consequences from a global perspective.
Research projects:
Research keywords:
Schooled society; Institutional effects of schooling; Cross-national comparative research; Globalization; Social inequalities; Cultural sociology
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1050 Elsene