Jessy Siongers
I’m a professor at the Department of Sociology at the VUB where I teach statistics and at the Department of Educational Sciences at the VUB where I teach cultural management. I obtained a Master's Degree in Sociology and in Cultural Studies and obtained a PhD in Sociology at the VUB with a dissertation on the intergenerational transmission of tastes and values. I’m coordinator of the interuniversity Centre of Culture Research (Kenniscentrum Cultuuronderzoek) and one of the promotors of the Youth Research Platform (JOP). My main research interests are situated within the domains of cultural sociology, sociology of education and sociology of youth. My research portfolio encompasses studies into a broad range of topics, including barriers to cultural participation, youth engagement, well-being of young people, the interplay between cultural preferences and attitudes, amateur art practice, arts and cultural education, and the professional trajectories of creative professionals.
Research projects:
Centre Culture Research
Youth Research Platform
Study on the value of socio-cultural work for the participant
Choosing Art: distribution, organization, structure, accessibility, and attractiveness of part-time art education in Flanders
Audience research in the concert venue AB
Research keywords:
cultural participation, youth, education, cultural sociology
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Elsene