Research description
The Flemish Youth and Children's Rights Policy Plan (JKP) has its decretal basis in the decree of 20 January 2012 concerning a renewed youth and children's rights policy. Art. 3, § 1 states the following:
No later than one year after the beginning of each government period, the Flemish Government shall submit a Flemish Youth and children's rights policy plan to the Flemish Parliament. This youth and children's rights policy plan explains the youth and children's rights policy of the Flemish and children's rights policy of the Flemish Government. It gives, for the next policy period and within an overall vision on youth and youth and children's rights policy, the priority objectives of the Flemish Government and determines the result indicators.
Together, the partners ensure that the actions and objectives within these project plans are formulated in a specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) manner. Specifically, it concerns the project plans that will be drafted for the following priorities, defined in the decision of the Flemish Government of 7 September 2018:
1. Well-being and Positive Identity Development
2. Healthy and Livable Neighborhoods
3. Engagement in society through volunteerism
4. Leisure activities for all
5. Media literacy
Given the unique expertise of the different departments that together form the JOP, researchers at KU Leuven take priority 1 and 2, VUB 3 and 5 and UGent priority 4.
The JOP has a unique position as a scientific support point in the field of youth; this consortium of different departments combines years of expertise in the above-mentioned themes and research relating to the intended target group and is therefore taken on as a priority partner for this assignment.