2025-2028 | iBOF
Karel Neels (University of Antwerp)
Niel Hens (Hasselt University)
Lander Willem (University of Antwerp)
International migration has gained considerable importance in the demography of European societies in recent decades. The long-term implications of migration for population dynamics on various geographical levels are difficult to ascertain, however, due to the continued reliance on aggregate-level measures and models that fail to consider the life course of migrants in receiving countries. Using population-wide longitudinal microdata on migrants (and their descendants) spanning several decades, this project analyses the association between life course transitions and spatial mobility in migrant populations at the individual and household level. In keeping with individual-based modelling in biostatistics, the information on life course transitions in migrant populations is integrated into a dynamic microsimulation model, which in this project is used to inform disease transmission models of population heterogeneity by migrant background.