The book based on fellow Mattias M. Van Hulle’s PhD is reviewed in the Journal of the Dutch Institute for Psychologists.
‘De Burn-out Paradox’, based on Mattias M. Van Hulle’s PhD, receives a lengthy review in De Psycholoog (the Journal of the Dutch Institute for Psychologists). Author of the review is Prof. Em. Organizational Psychology Wilmar Schaufeli, whose overall conclusion reads: “Van Hulle [has] written a smooth and erudite book with a clear argument. A good mirror to look into for all psychologists who are interested in burnout, but especially for those who have not taken the sociology course in their training.”
In his review Schaufeli underscores the added value of a sociological approach: “When reading The Burn-out Paradox, I often thought back to my propaedeutic psychology when I took the compulsory course sociology. That was an eye-opener because you can look at the same phenomena through a different, social lens. In the case of burnout, psychology focuses on the subjective experience that is characterized by certain symptoms. (…) Sociology goes deeper: in its view, the socio-cultural context plays a formative and determining role in the way in which people understand and name their (problematic) experiences. Sociologist Mattias M. Van Hulle links the rise of burnout to the increased public interest in emotions and well-being on the one hand and the rise of neoliberalism with its emphasis on individual performance and successes on the other.”
You can read the review here (only for subscribers)