On Frida,y June 14, 2024, the Belgian Association for Public Health (BAPH) is organizing, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the symposium: Tackling inequities in public health
The morning of the symposium will be organized around three plenary sessions during which Belgian speakers will discuss inequities in public health and how to tackle them. The afternoon will be structured around various workshops led by experts and one keynote session. Several networking opportunities will also be planned during the day.
Organising Committee: Brecht Devleesschauwer (Chair), Christine Verfaillie, Johan Van der Heyden, Karin De Ridder, Laura Van den Borre, Pierre Smith, Sherihane Bensemmane, Véronique Tellier, Xavier Leus
Scientific Committee: Jan Verbakel , Véronique Tellier , Johan Bilsen , Johan Van der Heyden, Pierre Smith (Chair)
Registration is open, you can register before Monday 10 June 2024.
• Free registration for members of the association
• Price of 50 EUR for non-members (20 EUR for students), this price covers membership of the association for 2024, which brings other advantages
Accreditation will be requested
Abstract submission
BAPH wishes to give Belgian public health researchers, experts and practitioners the opportunity to present their research and/or practices related to inequities in public health and how to tackle them. Submitted abstracts should concern research, interventions, health policies, care practices related to inequities in public health. Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English. Read more
Each abstract will be evaluated by the scientific committee.
Deadline: Friday February 16, 2024 at noon.